Revision Strategy:
In my final draft, I hope to use my sources more effectively and incorporate their arguments seamlessly with mine. In order to do this, I need to revisit the sources and reannotate them with a mindset of looking for ideas that work with my insight on beauty and running. Once I reread them multiple times, I will pull out more quotes then I can use so that I have a large pool to choose from. Next, I will find places in my essay that will be enhanced by references from the different articles. Then, I will rewrite different areas of the essay to incorporate the quotes. Lastly, I will reread the entire essay and revise and edit it for things such as organization, grammar, flow, and more. I think my biggest challenge will be for my essay not to become too long or too wordy. In order to make this not happen, after rewriting certain parts, I will read them outloud and make sure they sound good and if not, I will edit them to have a better flow. I plan on using different chapters from the “Little Seagull” book and the “They Say, I Say” book if I have any question. I will also make sure to site everything correctly using these books and the Purdue Owl. Overall, I hope to answer the prompt more fully using my own ideas and the ideas from my sources while having affecting flow and organization in my essay.
It sounds like you have a great plan. I think revisiting your sources is a fantastic place to start.