For this blog post, we were told to write a paragraph where we discuss two of the articles we have read. My paragraph is as follows:
When we integrate the arts and sciences into one scope, it creates a broader understanding of the world and the people in it. In the articles “To Answer Our Most Fundamental Questions, Science Needs to Find a Place for the Arts,” and “Necessary Edges: Arts, Empathy, and Education,” the authors both agree on the idea that it is imperative for science to begin working with arts so that society can begin to innovate and make breakthroughs in the scientific realm. Yo-Yo Ma puts forth his suggestion of creating “STEAM” programs in schools so that “collaboration, flexible thinking, and disciplined imagination[s]” can be taught at a young age and eventually come into action in the workforce. When we do what this, there is a vast eternity of things that we will be able to accomplish and we will be able to unlock greater potential of humanity. Oppositely, in the article, “We Must Protect U.S. Investment in Scientific Knowledge,” the author feels that science should not be tampered with by adding arts to it. The author explains that people who rely on the arts in science end up disregarding and not understanding “the scientific method” and therefore are missing the bigger picture. While artists may not stick completely to the scientific method, they still do end up making great discoveries about humanity and are the spark to the flame of many scientific discoveries. By art and science working hand and hand, much more will get done than if they continue to disagree. The main impact of the integration of art may not be seen immediately, but the lasting effects it will have will lead to a smarter, better, more efficient society.
Well done!